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欧朋浏览器秉承了 Opera 精心设计及推出了本地化的优质服务,为用户提供最佳的移动互联网体验。 计算机端产品. Opera 桌面浏览器 for Windows. 全新Turbo2.0 版本:7.8.17 3/02/2021 6/06/2008 Opera is easy to access the Internet and absolutely secure, which has powerful extensions, covers the basics with tabbed browsing, mouse-over previews, a customizable search bar, advanced bookmarking tools, and simple integration with e-mail and chat clients 5/01/2015 14/01/2021

22/09/2020 24/02/2021 4/04/2021 To be precise, Opera is a useful free web browser for Windows users. It contains a myriad of features including adblocker, VPN service, battery saver mode, automatic synchronization option, and developer tools. It helps you safely browse the internet and keeps intruders at bay.

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